What topics will be covered in the course?
Css Introduction
CSS basics Part 1:
Define style and apply it to CSS.
Examples of applying font-size, color, text-align, margin, padding, border, and background-color to the elements.
Define links and how to incorporate them in HTML to apply CSS styling.
The hierarchy of inline style > id > class > tag for applying CSS styles efficiently.
Applying CSS styles directly to an element using inline styles.
Applying CSS styles using id.
Applying CSS styles using class.
CSS basics Part 2:
Using HTML tags.
Nesting HTML elements.
Understanding the hierarchy of CSS classes.
Exploring hover and its usage.
Adjusting HTML width and height.
Page layout infrastructure Part 1:
Naming conventions for classes in CSS
The difference between visibility and display properties, and how to apply them in design
Examples of CSS properties such as border-radius, visibility, display, and box-sizing
The benefits of using the border-box model for better design layout.
Page layout infrastructure Part 2:
Improving layouts in CSS.
What float and clear do to the layout of the document.
The usage of float and clear.
A review of approaches to align elements.
Positioning Elements with CSS Part 1:
Exploring position in CSS.
Understanding relative positioning.
Understanding absolute positioning.
Controlling the position using top, left, right, and bottom properties.
Using z-index to control the stacking order of elements.
Positioning Elements with CSS Part 2:
Learn how to position elements with the CSS position property.
Understand the difference between position: relative and position: absolute.
Explore how to use top, left, right, and bottom properties to adjust the position of elements.
Discover how to control the stacking order of elements with the z-index property.