What topics will be covered in the course?
C Language Basics
Course Overview and Objectives
What is C Language and Why Should We Use It?
Prerequisites and Getting Started
Variables and Data Types in C:
Using `printf` for output
Introduction to variables and data types
Basic data types (int, float, char, double)
Modifiers (short, long, signed, unsigned)
Variable declaration and initialization
Constants and enumerations
Functions in C:
Function declaration and definition
Function calling and return types
Parameters and arguments
Operators and Expressions:
Arithmetic operators
Relational operators
Logical operators
Bitwise operators
Increment and decrement operators
Assignment operators
Conditional expressions
Control Structures: If-else:
Conditional statements using if and else
Nested if-else
Else-if ladder
Control Structures: Switch-case:
Conditional statements using switch-case
Default case
Break and fall-through in switch-case
Control Structures: While Loop:
Introduction to while loop
Syntax of while loop
Iteration and control in while loop
Using while loop with different conditions
Control Structures: For Loop:
Introduction to for loop
Syntax of for loop
Iteration and control in for loop
Nested for loops
Arrays in C:
Declaration and initialization
One-dimensional arrays
Multi-dimensional arrays
Array manipulation and usage
Pointers in C:
Introduction to pointers and memory addresses
Declaring and initializing pointers
Pointer arithmetic
Pointers to arrays, functions, and strings
Dynamic Memory Allocation in C:
Allocating and freeing memory using `malloc`, `calloc`, `realloc`, and `free`
Memory leaks and best practices
Strings and String Manipulation:
Character arrays and string literals
String handling functions (`<string.h>`)
Working with strings (concatenation, comparison)
Structures in C:
Defining structures
Initialization and accessing members
Nested structures and arrays of structures
Preprocessor Directives:
Introduction to preprocessor (`#include`, `#define`, `#if`, `#else`)
Conditional compilation
Closing Words:
Closing words to summarize the course.
Acknowledgments and Next Steps