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  • HTML

Introduction to HTML Basic Structure

HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is the standard markup language used to create web pages. At its core, HTML provides a structure and format to the content that is displayed on a web page. In this article, we will discuss the basic structure of an HTML document.

The Declaration

Every HTML document should begin with a declaration, which specifies the version of HTML that the document is written in. The declaration is not an HTML tag, but rather an instruction for the web browser about the version of HTML being used.

The following is an example of an declaration for HTML5:

<!DOCTYPE html>

The Element

The element is the root element of an HTML document. It wraps around all the other elements in the document and represents the entire HTML file. The content of the HTML document is placed between the opening tag and the closing tag.

The Element

The element is where you can define meta information about the HTML document, such as the title of the page, character encoding, and linked stylesheets or scripts. The content of the element does not appear directly on the web page.

The Element</h3></div><div><p>The <title> element is used to specify the title of the web page, which is displayed in the browser's title bar or tab. It is a required element within the <head> section of the HTML document.</p></div><div><p>An example of the <title> element:</p></div><span style="font-size:inherit;font-family:inherit;background:#000;color:#f8f8f8;border-radius:3px;display:flex;line-height:1.4285714285714286;overflow-x:auto;white-space:pre"><code style="font-size:inherit;font-family:inherit;line-height:1.6666666666666667;padding:8px"><title>My Web Page</title></code></span><div style="line-height:1.3"><h2>The <body> Element</h2></div><div><p>The <body> element represents the content of the web page that will be displayed in the browser. All the visible elements, such as headings, paragraphs, images, links, and other HTML tags, are placed within the <body> element.</p></div><div style="line-height:1.3"><h3>Example:</h3></div><span style="font-size:inherit;font-family:inherit;background:#000;color:#f8f8f8;border-radius:3px;display:flex;line-height:1.4285714285714286;overflow-x:auto;white-space:pre"><code style="font-size:inherit;font-family:inherit;line-height:1.6666666666666667;padding:8px"> <body> <h1>Hello, World!</h1> <p>This is my first webpage.</p> </body> </code></span><div style="line-height:1.3"><h2>Document Structure</h2></div><div><p>An HTML document typically has a hierarchical structure. Each HTML element can contain other elements, creating a parent-child relationship. The parent element is the one that wraps around its child elements.</p></div><div><p>For example, the <html> element is the parent of both the <head> and <body> elements. The <body> element can then contain multiple child elements, such as headings, paragraphs, and lists.</p></div><div style="line-height:1.3"><h3>Example:</h3></div><span style="font-size:inherit;font-family:inherit;background:#000;color:#f8f8f8;border-radius:3px;display:flex;line-height:1.4285714285714286;overflow-x:auto;white-space:pre"><code style="font-size:inherit;font-family:inherit;line-height:1.6666666666666667;padding:8px"> <html> <head> <title>My Web Page</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello, World!</h1> <p>This is my first webpage.</p> </body> </html> </code></span><div style="line-height:1.3"><h2>Conclusion</h2></div><div><p>In this article, we have learned about the basic structure of an HTML document. The <!DOCTYPE> declaration defines the HTML version, the <html> element is the root of the document, and the <head> and <body> elements provide meta and content information respectively. Understanding the structure of an HTML document is essential for building web pages.</p></div><div><p>For further information, you can refer to the following resources:</p></div><div><ul> <li><a target="_blank" style="color: #00b4ef !important" href="" target="_blank">W3Schools HTML Tutorial</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" style="color: #00b4ef !important" href="" target="_blank">MDN Web Docs - HTML</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" style="color: #00b4ef !important" href="" target="_blank"></a></li> </ul></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div></div><div><style data-emotion="css jqqtkh">@media print{.css-jqqtkh{position:absolute!important;}}.css-jqqtkh .MuiPaper-root{padding:8px;}</style></div><div></div><div></div></div></main></div></div></div></div><script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">{"props":{"pageProps":{"links":[{"path":"rest-and-spread-operators","name":"Rest and Spread 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Cuenta","logout":"Cerrar sesión","learnToCode":"Aprender a Programar","withAITeacher":"con el Profesor de IA","atCodequick":"En Codequick","stepIntoCoding":"Ingresa al mundo de la programación con Codequick. Desde HTML, CSS y Javascript hasta Node.js, nuestras lecciones asistidas por IA son adecuadas para todos los niveles de habilidad.","beginTechJourney":"Comienza tu viaje tecnológico hoy.","signUpFree":"Regístrate Gratis","codingQuestions":"Preguntas de Programación","solvedQuestions":"Preguntas Resueltas","learners":"Estudiantes","countries":"Países","earnedCoins":"Monedas Obtenidas","unlockYourCodingPotential":"Desbloquea Tu Potencial de Programación","t1":"Revoluciona Tu Aprendizaje de Código con Cody IA","t2":"Explora el futuro de la programación con CodeQuick.","t3":"Conoce a Cody, tu profesor de IA, para un aprendizaje interactivo. Potencia tu viaje de programación.","t4":"Seguimiento de Tu Progreso","t5":"Preguntas de Programación en Línea","t6":"Orientación Interactiva","t7":"Profesor Privado de IA","t8":"Cody IA Para Ayuda","t9":"Curva de Aprendizaje Revolucionaria","t10":"Asistentes de IA 24/7","t11":"Seguimiento del Uso de Tu Profesor Privado de IA","t12":"Cursos","t13":"Potenciando Tu Futuro de Programación","t14":"Desde una amplia gama de cursos, ejercicios interactivos de programación, educadores de primera hasta opciones de aprendizaje flexibles, proporcionamos las habilidades que necesitas para tu viaje profesional en tecnología.","t15":"Asistencia de IA: Recibe soporte en tiempo real para preguntas de programación impulsado por IA avanzada.","t16":"Amplia Gama de Cursos: Nuestros diversos cursos cubren todo, desde HTML, CSS y Javascript hasta React, Node.js y MongoDB.","t17":"Interactivo: Mejora tu comprensión con divertidos ejercicios y desafíos de programación.","t18":"Sistema de Recompensas: Gana 'Monedas de Codequick' a medida que aprendes y asciendes como un estudiante destacado.","t19":"Mejora Tus Habilidades con el Aprendizaje Avanzado de Codequick","t20":"Realiza un seguimiento del progreso, gana recompensas, compite con compañeros, recibe asistencia de IA y ahorra con descuentos para estudiantes.","t21":"Seguimiento del Progreso: Monitorea tu crecimiento y mantén la motivación con Codequick.","t22":"Aprendizaje Flexible: Estudia a tu ritmo, en tu horario.","t23":"Comparación Comunitaria: Evalúa tu progreso contra la comunidad de Codequick.","t24":"Descuentos para Estudiantes: Aprende más, gasta menos con descuentos de 'Monedas de Codequick'.","t25":"¿Qué hacemos diferente?","t26":"Aprovecha la Diferencia de Codequick: Experiencia de Aprendizaje de Programación Única, Interactiva y Gratificante","t27":"Asistencia Avanzada de IA","t28":"Cursos Diversos","t29":"Aprendizaje Gamificado","t30":"Compromiso Comunitario","t31":"Incentivos para Estudiantes","t32":"Seguimiento de Progreso Personalizado","t33":"Al integrar tecnología de IA, Codequick ofrece a los estudiantes asistencia en tiempo real en preguntas de programación, emulando el apoyo de un instructor personal.","t34":"Codequick ofrece una diversa gama de cursos que no solo cubren HTML y CSS básicos, sino también temas avanzados como Node.js, React y MongoDB.","t35":"Con un sistema de recompensas único, Codequick convierte el aprendizaje en un juego interactivo y divertido, donde los estudiantes ganan 'Monedas de Codequick' a medida que avanzan.","t36":"Codequick promueve un sentido de comunidad entre los estudiantes, proporcionando apodos anónimos para comparar el progreso y fomentar la competencia amistosa.","t37":"Codequick motiva a los estudiantes con la oportunidad de usar 'Monedas de Codequick' para descuentos en la plataforma, recompensando a los estudiantes diligentes con beneficios financieros.","t38":"A diferencia de muchas plataformas, Codequick rastrea el progreso de cada usuario individualmente, proporcionando retroalimentación detallada y ánimo para que los estudiantes alcancen su potencial.","t39":"¡Los buenos estudiantes pagan menos!","t40":"En Codequick, tu progreso te gana Monedas.","t41":"Estas Monedas pueden reducir el costo de nuestros planes premium. Por lo tanto, cuanto más y mejor aprendas, menos pagarás.","t42":"¡Transforma tu aprendizaje en una aventura gratificante con nosotros!","t43":"¿Cómo funciona?","t44":"Respondió una pregunta sin solución. (hasta 3 intentos para resolver)","t45":"Respondió una pregunta sin solución. (más de 3 intentos para resolver)","t46":"Respondió una pregunta con el uso de nuestra solución sugerida.","t47":"¿Has echado un vistazo a la solución una vez o más? solo reducimos una vez.","t48":"Al utilizar nuestro asistente de IA Cody para resolver una pregunta, recibirás solo 15 monedas.","t49":"*Las preguntas complejas en Codequick ofrecen mayores recompensas en monedas debido a su mayor dificultad.","t50":"¿Qué obtendrás?","t51":"Monedas","t52":"Plan","t53":"Descuento Mensual","t54":"¿Por qué Codequick?","t55":"Lecciones Interactivas","t56":"Asistencia de IA","t57":"Curriculum Amplio","t58":"Contenido de Calidad","t59":"Aprendizaje Flexible","t60":"Habilidades Profesionales","t61":"Seguimiento del Progreso","t62":"Sistema de Recompensas","t63":"Descuentos para Estudiantes","t64":"Acerca de Codequick","t65":"Codequick: Empoderándote con preguntas de programación interactivas, lecciones en video y asistencia de IA para un dominio sin esfuerzo de la programación. Realiza un seguimiento del progreso, recibe clasificaciones y embarca en viajes de codificación personalizados para desbloquear tu potencial completo.","t66":"Sobre Nosotros","t67":"Política de Privacidad","t68":"Términos de Servicio","t69":"Ayuda","t70":"Recursos","t71":"Contáctanos","t72":"Preguntas Frecuentes","t73":"Aprender Código","t74":"Precios","t75":"Cursos","t76":"Plataforma de Programación","t77":"Buenos Días","t78":"Buenas Tardes","t79":"Buenas Noches","t80":"Buenas Noches","t81":"Monedas","t82":"Únete Ahora","t83":"Crédito de Profesor Privado de IA","t84":"Profesor Privado de IA","t85":"Consigue a Cody, tu profesor privado de programación de IA.","t86":"Compra créditos y eleva tus habilidades de programación.","t87":"Comprar Crédito","t88":"Comenzar Curso","t89":"lecciones y","t90":"preguntas de programación en línea","t91":"Lecciones","t92":"Sílabo","t93":"¿Qué temas se cubrirán en el curso?","t94":"Aún no hay crédito disponible","t95":"Uso de Cody IA","t96":"Uso de IA","t97":"Ingresa al emocionante mundo de la programación con Codequick: aprovecha nuestra promoción especial y comienza tu camino hacia la experiencia.","t98":"Acceso Completo","t99":"Mensual","t100":"Acceso a todas las preguntas de código en codequick","t101":"Obtén acceso a todos los futuros cursos.","t102":"Obtén soluciones de código y guarda tu código con nosotros.","t103":"Recolección de monedas de codequick.","t104":"Estadísticas sobre tus soluciones.","t105":"Cancelar suscripción en cualquier momento.","t106":"Obtén un crédito gratuito de $5 para tu profesor privado de IA (Cody) en tu cuenta.","t107":"Obtén acceso a todo el contenido del curso.","t108":"Obtén soluciones de código y guarda tu código con nosotros.","t109":"Recolección de monedas de codequick.","t110":"Estadísticas sobre tus soluciones.","t111":"Obtén 2 meses gratis con una suscripción de 1 año.","t112":"Mejora tu plan","t113":"Hazte Premium","t114":"$2 de descuento cada mes","t115":"$5 de descuento cada mes","t116":"$8 de descuento cada mes","t117":"Selecciona tu idioma","t118":"Tu viaje en la programación comienza aquí","t119":"¿Quieres tener acceso a todo nuestro contenido de cursos?","t120":"Elige tu plan","t121":"¿Listo para el desafío?","t122":"¡Bien hecho!","t123":"¡Haz clic para copiar el texto del elemento HTML!","t124":"¡Revisa tu código!","t125":"Haz clic en mí","t127":"Resuelve tu primera pregunta de codificación","t128":"Obtén acceso completo","t129":"Obtén acceso completo a los videos del curso y preguntas de codificación","t130":"Acceso de por vida al contenido del curso","t131":"Compra el curso ahora","t132":"Precio del curso","t133":"Pago único"},"courses":{"t1":"Ejercicio","t2":"Pregunta de Programación","t3":"¿Estás seguro de que quieres usar la solución?","t4":"Cancelar","t5":"Sí","t6":"Pregunta","t7":"de","t8":"Mostrar Solución","t9":"Anterior","t10":"Siguiente","t11":"Solución","t12":"Nota: Mostrar la solución deduce monedas.","t13":"Lección","t14":"Instrucciones de la Pregunta","t15":"Por favor, cambia a un escritorio para una mejor experiencia de programación.","t16":"En esta pregunta puedes Ganar hasta","t17":"Monedas.","t18":"Resultados del Código","t19":"Aún no has realizado una prueba de código","t20":"Profesor AI","t21":"¡Hola! Soy Cody, tu asistente AI útil. ¿Cómo puedo asistirte hoy? 😊","t22":"Pide ayuda al AI cody","t23":"Ejecutar Código","t24":"Guardar","t25":"Tu Dirección de Servidor","t26":"Haz clic en el botón Ejecutar Código, y obtendrás un punto final de servidor real que el sitio web de codequick configuró para ti.","t27":"Realiza solicitudes a la dirección, y recibirás comentarios en tiempo real para tu servidor. Por favor, ten en cuenta que el servidor estará disponible solo por 10 segundos. Si el servidor no está disponible, revisa el código de nuevo, y un nuevo servidor será construido para ti.","t28":"Tu","t29":"dirección","t30":"Una vez que el servidor esté funcionando, verás un enlace aquí con acceso al MongoDB que configuramos para ti.","t31":"Haz clic en el enlace, y recibirás acceso completo al MongoDB para tu servidor. Ten en cuenta que con cada ejecución de prueba, tu MongoDB se restablecerá.","t32":"Puedes añadir declaraciones de impresión en el código para identificar errores.","t33":"Limpiar Registro","t34":"¿Quieres seguir tu progreso? Regístrate en codequick, es gratis.","t35":"El servidor está funcionando.","t36":"Error al ejecutar el servidor.","t37":"Hay un problema de comunicación, por favor intenta de nuevo más tarde.","t38":"Cody tiene un problema respondiendo a tu pregunta.","t39":"Envío de Código Recibido","t40":"Analizando Tu Código","t41":"Preparando Resultados del Análisis de Código","t42":"Debido a cargas pesadas, te responderemos pronto con una respuesta.","t43":"Solución de la Pregunta","t44":"Actualiza tu plan","t45":"Únete a codequick hoy"},"rating":{"t1":"Obtén 50 monedas gratis respondiendo a una breve encuesta","t2":"Por favor califica el ","t3":"módulo","t4":"Algo salió mal al calificar, por favor intenta más tarde.","t5":"Tu nombre completo","t6":"Nombre Completo","t7":"No, gracias","t8":"Recolectar Monedas","t9":"Calificar","t10":"¿Qué opinas sobre los videos instructivos proporcionados por Codequick?","t11":"¿Son los videos suficientemente informativos y bien producidos?","t12":"¿Crees que la duración de los videos es apropiada, o te parecen demasiado cortos o largos?","t13":"¿Apreciarías más ejemplos de codificación incorporados en los videos instructivos?","t14":"¿Te interesaría que Codequick se tradujera a otros idiomas? Si es así, ¿qué idioma(s) preferirías?","t15":"¿Cómo describirías la claridad y precisión del lenguaje utilizado en los videos? ¿Has notado algún error lingüístico o inconsistencias?","t16":"Califica el lenguaje general en el sitio web de Codequick. ¿Es claro, conciso y profesional?","t17":"Comparte aspectos que disfrutaste o experiencias positivas.","t18":"¿Fue el material generalmente fácil de comprender?","t19":"¿Encontraste las preguntas de codificación claras y comprensibles?","t20":"¿Tienes sugerencias para mejorar el sistema? ¡Siéntete libre de compartir!","t21":"¿Cómo ha sido tu experiencia de aprendizaje hasta ahora?","t22":"¿Nos recomendarías a otros?","t23":"¿Cómo fue tu experiencia de codificación en línea con Codequick?","t24":"¿Encuentras el modelo de Monedas desafiante?","t25":"Cuéntanos sobre tu experiencia en programación.","t26":"¿Actualmente estás estudiando programación? Si es así, ¿dónde?","t27":"¿Has asistido a una universidad o bootcamp para programación en el pasado?","t28":"¿Podrías proporcionar tu edad?","t29":"¿Alguna vez has recomendado Codequick a alguien?","t30":"¿Cómo te enteraste por primera vez de Codequick?","t31":"¿Hay algún curso específico que te gustaría que ofreciéramos en Codequick?","t32":"¿Con qué frecuencia interactúas con Cody para obtener asistencia?","t33":"Califica tu satisfacción con las respuestas de Cody (del 1 al 5).","t34":"¿Las respuestas de Cody te han ayudado? Por favor comparte un ejemplo.","t35":"Sugerencias para mejorar a Cody?","t36":"¿Recomendarías a Cody? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?","t37":"Nombre Completo es requerido","t38":"Respuesta es requerida","t39":"Calificación es requerida","t40":"Nombre Completo es requerido"},"account-settings":{"t1":"Perfil","t2":"Profesor de IA","t3":"Configuración General","t4":"Cupones","t5":"Facturación","t6":"Algo salió mal, por favor intenta más tarde.","t7":"Tu apodo se actualizó con éxito.","t8":"Algo salió mal, por favor intenta más tarde.","t9":"Tu avatar se deriva de tu apodo único. Ten en cuenta que cada vez que cambies tu apodo, tu avatar también se actualizará para coincidir con la nueva identidad.","t10":"¿Quieres una nueva identidad en CodeQuick? Simplemente presiona el botón de actualizar para generar un apodo único que refleje tus logros.","t11":"Recuerda, tu apodo te representa a ti y a tu viaje en la codificación, ¡así que acepta el cambio! Una vez que hagas clic, tu nuevo apodo se establecerá, ofreciendo una nueva faceta a tu persona de codificación. ¡Adelante, dale una vuelta!","t12":"¿Estás seguro de que quieres generar un nuevo apodo? Esto reemplazará tu apodo actual así como tu foto de perfil.","t13":"Cancelar","t14":"Cambiar Apodo","t15":"Correo Electrónico","t16":"Apodo","t17":"Cuenta","t18":"Editar Detalles de la Cuenta","t19":"Tu plan se ha actualizado con éxito.","t20":"Error al actualizar el plan de suscripción.","t21":"Error al actualizar el plan de suscripción.","t22":"Estado de la Suscripción","t23":"Monedas Totales","t24":"Activo","t25":"Inactivo","t26":"Detalles de la Suscripción","t27":"Felicidades","t28":"Ahora puedes actualizar tu plan a","t29":"y tener un","t30":"descuento utilizando tus monedas acumuladas.","t31":"Actualizar Ahora","t32":"Aún no has acumulado suficientes monedas para actualizar tu suscripción,","t33":"Una vez que hayas acumulado suficientes monedas, las opciones de actualización estarán disponibles.","t34":"Si quieres tomar un descanso de codequick, puedes cancelar fácilmente tu suscripción","t35":"Cancelar Suscripción","t36":"Tu suscripción ha sido cancelada, el contenido del sitio estará disponible para ti hasta,","t37":"Reactivar Suscripción","t38":"Historial de Facturación (Expandir para ver tus facturas pasadas)","t39":"Fecha","t40":"Id de Factura (enlace)","t41":"Factura Pagada","t42":"Aún no tienes ninguna factura.","t43":"¿Estás seguro de que quieres cancelar la suscripción a Codequick?","t44":"Ten en cuenta que al cancelar la suscripción se eliminarán todas las monedas que hayas acumulado hasta ahora.","t45":"Estado de la Factura","t46":"Recuerda usar tus monedas para actualizar tu plan de suscripción.","t47":"Tu plan actual","t48":"y el","t49":"precio es","t50":"Tu suscripción está Inactiva.","t51":"Actualizar Plan","t52":"Error al obtener el uso del usuario","t53":"Necesitas más crédito","t54":"Créditos de Asistencia de IA: Pago Único, Úsalos Cuando Quieras.","t55":"Ayuda de Codificación con IA: Soporte en tiempo real y orientación experta.","t56":"Disponibilidad 24/7: Accede a la asistencia de IA en cualquier momento, día o noche.","t57":"Detección Instantánea de Errores: Identifica y corrige rápidamente errores de codificación.","t58":"Soluciones Personalizadas: Sugerencias de código adaptadas a tu progreso y estilo.","t59":"Eficiencia de Aprendizaje Mejorada: Acelera el aprendizaje con retroalimentación dinámica.","t60":"Tu Asistente de Codificación con IA","t61":"Asistencia de Codificación con IA: Eleva Tu Experiencia de Aprendizaje","t62":"Compra de Créditos","t63":"Comprar Ahora","t64":"La contraseña debe tener al menos 6 caracteres de longitud","t65":"Se requiere contraseña","t66":"Las contraseñas deben coincidir","t67":"Se requiere repetir la contraseña","t68":"Tu contraseña ha sido actualizada con éxito","t69":"La contraseña actual que ingresaste es incorrecta.","t70":"Como usuario de Facebook/Google, no podemos cambiar tu contraseña.","t71":"¡Ups! Ocurrió un error al procesar tu solicitud. Por favor intenta de nuevo más tarde.","t72":"Contraseña Actual","t73":"Nueva Contraseña","t74":"Repetir Nueva Contraseña","t75":"Cambiar Contraseña","t76":"Un cupón se creó con éxito.","t77":"Error al crear un cupón, por favor intenta más tarde.","t78":"Gana con las Referencias de CodeQuick","t79":"Nos encantaría tu ayuda para expandir la comunidad de CodeQuick.","t80":"¿Cómo te beneficia?","t81":"Generando cupones personalizados, compartiéndolos con tus amigos y ganando 10,000 monedas por cada nuevo suscriptor que use tu cupón. Además, el destinatario de tu cupón obtiene un 10% de descuento al unirse a CodeQuick. Crea hasta 10 cupones, compártelos y gana monedas sustanciales!","t82":"Usado","t83":"Aún no has creado ningún cupón.","t84":"Mis Cupones","t85":"Crear un cupón","t86":"Foto de Perfil","t87":"¿Estás seguro?","t88":"Lamentablemente, no pudimos procesar el pago con tu tarjeta de crédito.","t89":"Lamentablemente, encontramos dificultades al procesar la transacción con la tarjeta de crédito proporcionada,","t90":"resultando en que no se aplicaron cargos.","t91":"Te solicitamos amablemente que intentes la transacción nuevamente. Si encuentras más dificultades, recomendamos cambiar a otra tarjeta.","t92":"Si tienes alguna pregunta, no dudes en contactarnos directamente por correo electrónico en","t93":"Saludos cordiales, el equipo de Codequick.","t94":"Proceder al pago","t95":"Gracias, estamos emocionados de que hayas elegido unirte a Codequick.","t96":"Para cualquier pregunta puedes contactarnos directamente en","t97":"Continuar Aprendiendo","t98":"¡Ahora puedes disfrutar de todo el contenido del curso en CodeQuick y embarcarte en tu viaje de codificación!","t99":"Tienes la opción de cancelar tu suscripción en cualquier momento accediendo a la Configuración de la Cuenta en la sección de facturación."},"auth":{"t1":"Revisar correo","t2":"Hemos enviado instrucciones para recuperar la contraseña a tu correo electrónico.","t3":"Inicio","t4":"Aprende interactivamente con preguntas de programación en línea","t5":"Soluciones de IA con Cody, tu profesor privado de IA","t6":"Gana monedas y compara logros","t7":"Domina la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y proyectos del mundo real.","t8":"Consigue un profesor privado y asistencia de programación con el poder de la IA con Cody.","t9":"Gana monedas de CodeQuick, desbloquea descuentos y compara tus logros con los de otros.","t10":"¿Olvidaste la contraseña?","t11":"Ingresa tu dirección de correo electrónico a continuación y te enviaremos un enlace para restablecer la contraseña.","t12":"¿Ya tienes una cuenta?","t13":"Revisa el correo para el enlace de restablecimiento de contraseña","t14":"Debe ser un correo electrónico válido","t15":"Se requiere correo electrónico","t16":"Dirección de correo electrónico","t17":"Enviar correo","t18":"Hola, bienvenido de nuevo","t19":"Ingresa tus credenciales para continuar","t20":"¿No tienes una cuenta?","t21":"Debe ser un correo electrónico válido","t22":"Se requiere correo electrónico","t23":"Se requiere contraseña","t24":"Correo electrónico o contraseña inválidos, por favor intenta de nuevo.","t25":"Algo salió mal, por favor intenta más tarde.","t26":"Dirección de correo electrónico","t27":"Contraseña","t28":"¿Olvidaste la contraseña?","t29":"Iniciar sesión","t30":"Restablecer contraseña","t31":"Por favor elige tu nueva contraseña","t32":"Se requiere contraseña","t33":"La contraseña debe tener al menos 6 caracteres","t34":"Ambas contraseñas deben coincidir","t35":"Se requiere confirmar la contraseña","t36":"Por favor intenta hacer clic en el enlace de restablecimiento que te enviamos de nuevo.","t37":"Contraseña","t38":"Confirmar contraseña","t39":"Restablecer contraseña","t40":"Registrarse","t41":"Ingresa tus credenciales para continuar","t42":"¿Ya tienes una cuenta?","t43":"Regístrate con dirección de correo electrónico","t44":"Debe ser un correo electrónico válido","t45":"Se requiere correo electrónico","t46":"Se requiere contraseña","t47":"Usuario ya existe, elige otro correo electrónico.","t48":"Tu registro se ha completado con éxito.","t49":"Dirección de correo electrónico","t50":"Contraseña","t51":"Al registrarte, aceptas los","t52":"Términos de servicio","t53":"y","t54":"Política de privacidad.","t55":"Registrarse"},"donation":{"t1":"Ayúdanos a Enseñar a Programar","t2":"❤️ Cada donación importa. ❤️","t3":"Tu apoyo mejora directamente nuestros recursos educativos, alcanzando a estudiantes en todo el mundo.","t4":"Ingresa la Cantidad de Tu Donación","t5":"Cantidad","t6":"Donar","t7":"¡Gracias! ❤️🙏","t8":"Gracias por Tu Generoso Apoyo ❤️🙏","t9":"Tu contribución significa el mundo para nosotros en Gracias a tu generosidad, podemos continuar nuestra misión de empoderar a los estudiantes a través de una educación en programación accesible y atractiva.","t10":"Tu apoyo impacta directamente la calidad y alcance de nuestros recursos educativos, ayudándonos a hacer una diferencia significativa en la vida de estudiantes en todo el mundo.","t11":"Continuar Aprendiendo","t12":"Donar de Nuevo"}},"en":{"general":{"h1":"welcome to codequick in English!","login":"Login","signup":"Sign Up","back":"Back","myProfile":"My Profile","courses":"Courses","nickname":"Nickname","accountSettings":"Account Settings","logout":"Logout","learnToCode":"Learn to Code","withAITeacher":"with AI Teacher","atCodequick":"At Codequick","stepIntoCoding":"Step into the world of coding with Codequick. From HTML, CSS, and Javascript to Node.js, our AI-assisted lessons are suitable for all skill levels.","beginTechJourney":"Begin your tech journey today.","signUpFree":"Sign Up Free","codingQuestions":"Coding Questions","solvedQuestions":"Solved Questions","learners":"Learners","countries":"Countries","earnedCoins":"Earned Coins","unlockYourCodingPotential":"Unlock Your Coding Potential","t1":"Revolutionize Your Code Learning with Cody AI","t2":"Explore the future of coding with CodeQuick.","t3":"Meet Cody, your AI teacher, for interactive learning. Supercharge your coding journey.","t4":"Track Your Progress","t5":"Online Coding Questions","t6":"Interactive Guidance","t7":"AI Private Teacher","t8":"Cody AI For The Help","t9":"Revolutionary Learning Curve","t10":"24/7 AI Assistants","t11":"Track Your Private AI Teacher Usage","t12":"Courses","t13":"Empowering Your Coding Future","t14":"From a diverse course range, interactive coding exercises, top-notch educators to flexible learning options, we provide the skills you need for your tech career journey.","t15":"AI Assistance: Receive real-time coding question support powered by advanced AI.","t16":"Wide Course Range: Our diverse courses cover everything from HTML, CSS and Javascript to React, Node.js and MongoDB.","t17":"Interactive: Enhance your understanding with fun coding exercises and challenges.","t18":"Reward System: Earn 'Codequick Coins' as you learn and rise as a top learner.","t19":"Boost Your Skills with Codequick's Advanced Learning","t20":"Track progress, earn rewards, compete with peers, receive AI assistance, and save with learner discounts.","t21":"Progress Tracking: Monitor your growth and maintain motivation with Codequick.","t22":"Flexible Learning: Study at your pace, on your schedule.","t23":"Community Comparison: Gauge your progress against the Codequick community.","t24":"Learner Discounts: Learn more, spend less with 'Codequick Coins' discounts.","t25":"What do we do differently?","t26":"Embrace the Codequick Difference: Unique, Interactive, and Rewarding Coding Learning Experience","t27":"Advanced AI Assistance","t28":"Diverse Courses","t29":"Gamified Learning","t30":"Community Engagement","t31":"Learner Incentives","t32":"Customized Progress Tracking","t33":"By integrating AI technology, Codequick offers learners real-time assistance on coding questions, emulating the support of a personal instructor.","t34":"Codequick provides a diverse range of courses covering not just basic HTML and CSS, but also advanced topics like Node.js, React, and MongoDB.","t35":"With a unique reward system, Codequick turns learning into a fun, interactive game, where learners earn 'Codequick Coins' as they progress.","t36":"Codequick promotes a sense of community among learners, providing anonymous nicknames to compare progress and encourage friendly competition.","t37":"Codequick motivates learners with the opportunity to use 'Codequick Coins' for discounts on the platform, rewarding diligent students with financial benefits.","t38":"Unlike many platforms, Codequick tracks each user's progress individually, providing detailed feedback and encouragement for learners to reach their potential.","t39":"Good students Pay less!","t40":"At Codequick, your progress earns you Coins.","t41":"These Coins can reduce the cost of our premium plans. So, the more and better you learn, the less you pay.","t42":"Transform your learning into a rewarding adventure with us!","t43":"How it works?","t44":"Answered a question without solution. (up to 3 attempts to solve)","t45":"Answered a question without solution. (more then 3 attempts to solve)","t46":"Answered a question with a usage of our suggested solution.","t47":"Have you peek at the solution once or more? we only reduce once.","t48":"When utilizing our AI assistant Cody to solve a question, you will receive only 15 coins.","t49":"*Complex questions on Codequick offer larger coin rewards due to their increased difficulty.","t50":"What will you get?","t51":"Coins","t52":"Plan","t53":"Monthly Discount","t54":"Why Codequick?","t55":"Interactive Lessons","t56":"AI Assistance","t57":"Wide Curriculum","t58":"Quality Content","t59":"Flexible Learning","t60":"Career Skills","t61":"Progress Tracking","t62":"Reward System","t63":"Learner Discounts","t64":"About Codequick","t65":"Codequick: Empowering you with interactive coding questions, video lessons, and AI assistance for effortless mastery of programming. Track progress, receive rankings, and embark on personalized coding journeys to unlock your full potential.","t66":"About Us","t67":"Privacy Policy","t68":"Terms Of Service","t69":"Help","t70":"Resources","t71":"Contact Us","t72":"FAQ","t73":"Learn Code","t74":"Pricing","t75":"Courses","t76":"Coding Platform","t77":"Good Morning","t78":"Good Afternoon","t79":"Good Evening","t80":"Good Night","t81":"Coins","t82":"Join Now","t83":"Private AI Teacher Credit","t84":"Private AI Teacher","t85":"Get Cody, your AI private coding teacher.","t86":"Buy credits and elevate your coding skills.","t87":"Buy Credit","t88":"Start Course","t89":"lessons and","t90":"online coding questions","t91":"Lessons","t92":"Syllabus","t93":"What topics will be covered in the course?","t94":"No available credit yet","t95":"Cody AI usage","t96":"Ai Usage","t97":"Step into the exciting world of coding with Codequick - take advantage of our special promotional pricing and begin your journey to expertise.","t98":"Full Access","t99":"Monthly","t100":"Access to all the code questions on codequick","t101":"Get access to all future courses.","t102":"Get code solutions and save your code with us.","t103":"Collecting codequick coins.","t104":"Statistics on your solutions.","t105":"Cancel subscription at any time.","t106":"Get free $5 AI private (Cody) teacher credit to your account.","t107":"Get access to all course content.","t108":"Get code solutions and save your code with us.","t109":"Collecting codequick coins.","t110":"Statistics on your solutions.","t111":"Get 2 months free with a 1-year subscription.","t112":"Upgrade your plan","t113":"Go Premium","t114":"$2 discount each month","t115":"$5 discount each month","t116":"$8 discount each month","t117":"Select your language","t118":"Your Coding Journey Starts Here","t119":"Want to have access to all our courses content?","t120":"Choose Your Plan","t121":"Ready For The Challenge?","t122":"Well Done!","t123":"Click to copy the HTML element text!","t124":"Check your code!","t125":"Click Me","t126":"Click to start","t127":"Solve your first coding question","t128":"Get Full Access","t129":"Get full access to course videos and coding questions","t130":"Lifetime access to course content","t131":"Buy course now","t132":"Course Price","t133":"One-Time Payment"},"courses":{"t1":"Exercise","t2":"Coding Question","t3":"Are you sure you want to use the solution?","t4":"Cancel","t5":"Yes","t6":"Question","t7":"out of","t8":"Show Solution","t9":"Previous","t10":"Next","t11":"Solution","t12":"Note: Solution display deducts coins.","t13":"Lesson","t14":"Question Instructions","t15":"Please switch to a desktop for better coding experience.","t16":"In this question you can Earn up to","t17":"Coins.","t18":"Code Results","t19":"You haven't run a code test yet","t20":"Ai Teacher","t21":"Hey there! I'm Cody, your helpful AI assistant. How can I assist you today? 😊","t22":"Ask cody AI for help","t23":"Run Code","t24":"Save","t25":"Your Server Address","t26":"Click on the Run Code button, and you will get a real server endpoint that codequick website setup for you.","t27":"Perform requests to the address, and you will receive real-time feedback for your server. Please note that the server will be available for only 10 seconds. If the server is not available, check the code again, and a new server will be built for you.","t28":"Your","t29":"address","t30":"Once the server is up and running, you will see a link here with access to the MongoDB that we set up for you.","t31":"Click on the link, and you will receive full access to MongoDB for your server. Please note that with each test run, your MongoDB will be reset.","t32":"You can add print statements in the code to identify bugs.","t33":"Clear Log","t34":"Want to track your progress? Sign Up to codequick, It's free.","t35":"Server is up and running.","t36":"Failed run the server.","t37":"There is a communication problem, please try again later.","t38":"Cody having an issue answering your question.","t39":"Code Submission Received","t40":"Analyzing Your Code","t41":"Preparing Code Analysis Results","t42":"Due to heavy loads, will get back to you soon with an answer.","t43":"Question Solution","t44":"Upgrade your plan","t45":"Join codequick today"},"rating":{"t1":"Get free 50 coins answering a short survey","t2":"Please rate the ","t3":"module","t4":"Something went wrong when rating, please try later.","t5":"Your full name","t6":"Full Name","t7":"No Thanks","t8":"Collect Coins","t9":"Rate","t10":"What are your thoughts on the instructional videos provided by Codequick?","t11":"Are the videos sufficiently informative and well-produced?","t12":"Do you find the video durations appropriate, or do you think they are too short or too long?","t13":"Would you appreciate more coding examples incorporated into the instructional videos?","t14":"Are you interested in having Codequick translated into other languages? If yes, which language(s) would you prefer?","t15":"How would you describe the clarity and accuracy of the language used in the videos? Have you noticed any linguistic errors or inconsistencies?","t16":"Rate the overall language on the Codequick website. Is it clear, concise, and professional?","t17":"Share aspects you enjoyed or positive experiences.","t18":"Was the material generally easy to comprehend?","t19":"Did you find the coding questions clear and understandable?","t20":"Do you have suggestions for enhancing the system? Feel free to share!","t21":"How has your learning experience been so far?","t22":"Would you recommend us to others?","t23":"What was your online coding experience with Codequick like?","t24":"Do you find the Coins model challenging?","t25":"Tell us about your programming background.","t26":"Are you currently studying programming? If yes, where?","t27":"Have you attended a college or bootcamp for programming in the past?","t28":"Could you provide your age?","t29":"Have you ever referred Codequick to someone?","t30":"How did you first hear about Codequick?","t31":"Is there a specific course you'd like us to offer on Codequick?","t32":"How often do you interact with Cody for assistance?","t33":"Rate your satisfaction with Cody's responses (1 to 5).","t34":"Have Cody's responses helped you? Please share an example.","t35":"Suggestions to improve Cody?","t36":"Would you recommend Cody? Why or why not?","t37":"Full Name is required","t38":"Answer is required","t39":"Rating is required","t40":"Full Name is required"},"account-settings":{"t1":"Profile","t2":"AI Teacher","t3":"General Settings","t4":"Coupons","t5":"Billing","t6":"Something went wrong, please try later.","t7":"Your nickname updated succesfully.","t8":"Something went wrong, please try later.","t9":"Your avatar is derived from your unique nickname. Keep in mind, every time you change your nickname, your avatar will also be refreshed to match the new identity.","t10":"Want a new identity on CodeQuick? Just hit the refresh button to generate a unique nickname that reflects your achievements.","t11":"Remember, your nickname represents you and your coding journey, so embrace the change! Once you click, your new nickname will be set, offering a fresh facet to your coding persona. Go ahead, give it a spin!","t12":"Are you sure you want to generate a new nickname? This will replace your current nickname as well as your profile picture.","t13":"Cancel","t14":"Change Nickname","t15":"Email","t16":"Nick Name","t17":"Account","t18":"Edit Account Details","t19":"Your plan has been updated succesfully.","t20":"Failed upgrade subscription plan.","t21":"Failed upgrade subscription plan.","t22":"Subscription Status","t23":"Total coins","t24":"Active","t25":"Inactive","t26":"Subscription Details","t27":"Congrats","t28":"You can now upgrade your plan to","t29":"and have a","t30":"discount by using your earned coins.","t31":"Upgrade Now","t32":"You haven't accumulated enough coins yet to upgrade your subscription,","t33":"Once you have accumulated enough coins, upgrade options will become available.","t34":"If you want to take a break from codequick, you can easily cancel your subscription","t35":"Cancel Subscription","t36":"Your subscription has been canceled, the site's contents will be available to you until,","t37":"Reactivate Subscription","t38":"Billing History (Expand to see your past invoices)","t39":"Date","t40":"Invoice Id (link)","t41":"Invoice Paid","t42":"You don't have any invoices yet.","t43":"Are you sure you want to cancel the Codequick subscription?","t44":"Please note, canceling the subscription will delete all the coins you have accumulated so far.","t45":"Invoice Status","t46":"Remember to use your coins for upgrading your subscription plan.","t47":"Your current plan","t48":"and the","t49":"price is","t50":"Your subscription is Inactive.","t51":"Upgrade Plan","t52":"Failed get user usage","t53":"Need more credit","t54":"AI Assistance Credits: One-Time Payment, Use Anytime.'","t55":"AI-Powered Coding Help: Real-time support and expert guidance.'","t56":"24/7 Availability: Access AI assistance anytime, day or night.'","t57":"Instant Error Detection: Quickly identify and fix coding errors.'","t58":"Personalized Solutions: Tailored code suggestions for your progress and style.'","t59":"Enhanced Learning Efficiency: Speed up learning with dynamic feedback.","t60":"Your AI Coding Assistant","t61":"AI-Powered Coding Assistance: Elevate Your Learning Experience","t62":"Credit Purchase","t63":"Buy Now","t64":"Password must be at least 6 characters long","t65":"Password is required","t66":"Passwords must match","t67":"Repeat Password is require","t68":"Your password has been updated successfully","t69":"Your current password you entered is incorrect.","t70":"As a Facebook/Google user, we can't change your password.","t71":"Oops! An error occurred while processing your request. Please try again later.","t72":"Current Password","t73":"New Password","t74":"Repeat New Password","t75":"Change Password","t76":"A Coupon created successfully.","t77":"Failed create a coupon, please try later.","t78":"Earn with CodeQuick's Referrals","t79":"We'd love your help in expanding the CodeQuick community.","t80":"How does it benefit you?","t81":"By generating personalized coupons, sharing them with your friends, and earning 10,000 coins for every new subscriber who uses your coupon. Additionally, the recipient of your coupon gets a 10% discount on joining CodeQuick. Create up to 10 coupons, share them, and earn substantial coins!","t82":"Used","t83":"You have not created any coupons yet.","t84":"My Coupons","t85":"Create a coupon","t86":"Profile Picture","t87":"Are you you sure?","t88":"Unfortunately, we were not able to process the payment using your credit card.","t89":"Regrettably, we encountered difficulties processing the transaction using the provided credit card,","t90":"resulting in no charges being applied.","t91":"We kindly request that you attempt the transaction again. Should you encounter further difficulties, we recommend switching to an alternate card.","t92":"If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us directly through email at","t93":"Best regards, the Codequick team.","t94":"Proceed to payment","t95":"Thank you, we are excited that you chose to join Codequick.","t96":"For any question you can contact us directly at","t97":"Continue Learning","t98":"You can now enjoy the entire course content on CodeQuick and embark on your coding journey!","t99":"You have the option to cancel your subscription at any time by accessing the Account Settings in the billing section."},"auth":{"t1":"Check Mail","t2":"We have sent a password recover instructions to your email.","t3":"Home","t4":"Learn Interactively With Online Coding Questions","t5":"AI Solutions with Cody your private AI teacher","t6":"Earn Coins and Compare Achievements","t7":"Master coding through interactive challenges and real-world projects.","t8":"Get AI-powered private teacher and coding assistance with Cody.","t9":"Gain CodeQuick coins, unlock discounts, and compare your achievements with others.","t10":"Forgot password?","t11":"Enter your email address below and we will send a link to password reset.","t12":"Already have an account?","t13":"Check mail for reset password link","t14":"Must be a valid email","t15":"Email is required","t16":"Email Address","t17":"Send Mail","t18":"Hi, Welcome Back","t19":"Enter your credentials to continue","t20":"Dont have an account?","t21":"Must be a valid email","t22":"Email is required","t23":"Password is required","t24":"Invalid email or password, Please try again.","t25":"Something went wrong, please try later.","t26":"Email Address","t27":"Password","t28":"Forgot Password?","t29":"Login","t30":"Reset Password","t31":"Please choose your new password","t32":"Password is required","t33":"Password must be at least 6 characters long","t34":"Both passwords must match","t35":"Confirm Password is required","t36":"Please try click 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