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Calling Functions in JavaScript

Functions are an essential part of JavaScript programming. They allow you to organize and reuse your code. In order to execute a function and make use of its functionality, you need to call or invoke the function. In this article, we will explore the different ways of calling functions in JavaScript.

1. Function Invocation

The most common way to call a function is through function invocation. This involves simply using the function name followed by parentheses (). For example:

function greet() { console.log("Hello!"); } greet();

When you call the greet() function, it will execute the code block inside the function, which in this case, prints "Hello!" to the console.

It's important to note that when calling a function, you must include the parentheses even if the function doesn't take any arguments. Omitting the parentheses will reference the function object itself, rather than calling it.

2. Method Invocation

In JavaScript, functions can also be defined as methods within objects. When a function is a property of an object, it is called a method. To call a method, you use the dot notation, followed by the method name and parentheses. For example:

let person = { name: "John", greet: function() { console.log("Hello, " + + "!"); } }; person.greet();

In this example, the greet() function is defined as a method within the person object. When calling person.greet(), it will print "Hello, John!" to the console. The this keyword refers to the current object that the method belongs to.

3. Constructor Invocation

JavaScript allows you to create objects using constructor functions. When you call a constructor function using the new keyword, it creates a new instance of the object. The constructor function is then called as a normal function, without the need for parentheses. For example:

function Car(make, model) { this.make = make; this.model = model; } let myCar = new Car("Toyota", "Corolla");

In this example, the Car() function is used as a constructor to create a new car object. The this keyword is used to assign the make and model properties to the new instance of the car object.

4. Apply and Call Invocation

The apply() and call() methods can be used to invoke a function with a specific value for the this keyword. The difference between these two methods is in the way arguments are passed. The apply() method expects an array of arguments, while the call() method expects the arguments to be passed individually.

function multiply(a, b) { return a * b; } let result =, 5, 3); console.log(result); // Output: 15

In this example, the multiply() function is called using the call() method. The first argument passed to call() is null, which sets the this value to the global object. The subsequent arguments, 5 and 3, are passed individually and are used as parameters for the multiply() function.


Understanding the different ways to call functions in JavaScript is essential for building complex applications. Whether you use function invocation, method invocation, constructor invocation, or apply/call invocation, knowing when and how to call functions correctly will help you write efficient and reusable code.

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